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회원가입hfff Membership

회원가입 안내Membership Registration Information

회원 구분(※ 회비 무료)
  1. 1. 개인회원: 개인회원에는 정회원과 학생회원을 둔다.
    1. 1) 정회원 : 학계, 정부 및 산업계의 전문가
    2. 2) 학생회원 : 학부 및 대학원 재학생
  2. 2. 단체회원 : 식품관련 단체, 연구기관 및 기업 등
회원 특전
  1. ① 식약처, 농식품부 등의 건강기능식품 관련 법률 및 정책 건의 참여
  2. ② 건강기능식품 정보 관련 세미나, 간담회 및 교육 행사 등의 참여
  3. ③ 건강기능식품 국제학술지(FSBH) 발간지 제공
  4. ④ 건강기능식품 국제기준 공조를 위한 국제협력사업 참여
  5. ⑤ 각종 전문정보 공유

건강기능식품미래포럼 사무국

Tel. 031-5171-5289
e-mail: hsff_info@naver.com

Kinds of Members(※ free of membership fee)
  1. 1. Individual member: Regular and student members.
    1. 1) Regular member: Experts from the academic, government and industries, etc.
    2. 2) Student members: Undergraduate and graduate students
  2. 2. Group member: Food-related organizations, research institutes and companies
Member Benefits
  1. ① Participation in proposing Health Functional Food (HFF)-related laws and policies of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
  2. ② Participation in seminars, meetings and education activities that are related to the information of HFF
  3. ③ Provisions of FSBH copies
  4. ④ Participation in international cooperation project for HFF standards
  5. ⑤ Sharing publications of various specialized materials and information
More Information

Secretariat of hfff

Tel. 031-5171-5289
e-mail: hsff_info@naver.com